
Havant Spiritualist Church

Spiritualist Venues In Person Venues

10 The Tanneries, Brockhampton Lane
Havant, England PO9 1JB

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Havant Spiritualist Church

Spiritualist Venues In Person Venues

10 The Tanneries, Brockhampton Lane
Havant, England PO9 1JB

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Havant Spiritualist Church

Spiritualist Venues In Person Venues

10 The Tanneries, Brockhampton Lane
Havant, England PO9 1JB

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Service Opening Times
Sunday 6.30 p.m. Service of Worship

Tuesday 1.00 to 3.30 p.m. Healing Session

Wednesday 7.30 p.m. Service of Worship

Every other Wednesday 7.15p.m. Alternative Service, Questions and Answers and lively debate (entry fee applies)

Thursday 1.30 to 3.30pm social group all welcome

Thursday Development Circle 7.30 to 9pm

Last Saturday every month Coffee Morning 10 to 12 noon, with private readings and Healing Session.


10 The Tanneries, Brockhampton Lane Havant, England PO9 1JB



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