This directory is for use by both individuals wishing to make a booking for a 1 to 1 reading and Spiritualist Organisations wanting to book mediums for events.
Each listing gives the name, contact details and range of services the medium offers.
Here are just some of the features my site offers:
and much more.
To get listed as a medium please register as a user then choose a plan (basic free, basic plus £10, featured £20) You will then be directed to the page to complete your listing.
Note: Mediums are self selected for this list, therefore, I accept no responsibility for the quality of mediumship or psychic reading given. Any problems or complaints need to be addressed with the medium themselves. If a medium holds a certificate of mediumship or speaking with an organisation such as the SNU or ISM then you are able to take complaints against the medium to the organisation they hold the certificate with.