Candace Dunovant is a multi-dimensional healer, trance channel medium, Master Light Language & Beyond Quantum Healing (BQH) practitioner, and Holy Fire® III Reiki Master Teacher. Drawing from her personal healing journey and spiritual gifts, she has deep compassion and empathy for the pain of others, which allows her to create a safe and sacred space that will hold you in unconditional love and acceptance, allow sacred healing to take place, and see you shine brighter than ever before. Candace is fiercely passionate about supporting you on your spiritual healing journey to heal your core wounds and connect to your spiritual helpers and gifts, so you can live empowered, joyful, whole, and aligned with your soul’s purpose. Let YOUR Divine Light SHINE!
If you are READY to rediscover your soul’s purpose and live everyday empowered & aligned, Chat with Candace at or email at